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Football Manager Handheld 2015 No Root

Football Manager Handheld
Sebenarnya game ini sudah dirilis beberapa hari yang lalu namun saya baru sempet update sekarang hehe semoga aja belom basi .Game Football Manager ini adalah game bola dimana user diposisikan sebagai manager tim.Penasaran kah ? langsung aja ke TKP :D .

Feature of Football Manager Handheld 2015  apk No Root

  • Football Manager Handheld 2015 is the latest release in the best-selling, award-winning series on mobile and tablet devices which allows you to live out the dream of managing your favourite real-life club.
  • You’re in the hot-seat, you make the decisions on transfers, tactics and you take charge from the touchline on match days. Do you have what it takes to become a legend in the high pressure, high emotion world of football management?
  • Brand New Match Engine
    A completely new and more realistic 2D Match Engine allows you to better analyse your team’s performance on the field to help you make those tough decisions.*
  • Scouting Agency
    A brand new Scouting Agency which allows you to look at, and monitor, a ranked list of the top 50 players within the game both for current ability and future potential.
  • Rankings and Dynamic League Reputation
    New World Rankings, for international teams and national leagues, which will evolve over time based on performances in continental competitions.
  • More Detailed Club Stats
    A Club Stats page dedicated to showing you more detailed seasonal and historical information about all areas of your club.
  • Manager Achievements Page
    A Manager Achievements page so you can track all of your accolades and get a run-down on all trophies, awards and achievements won.
  • Improved My Club Mode
    You can now assign Player Roles to each of your squad members and also save any player from any career and use that player in your My Club squad.
Screen shoot :

Download Football Manager Handheld 2015 :

Football Manager Handheld 2015 | Via Mediafire
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